The potential for Low-intensity Vibration (LiV) therapy to treat osteoporosis was established by Prof. Dr. Clinton Rubin, one of the world’s foremost biomedical engineers. The innovation inside Marodyne LiV was developed in collaboration with NASA and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and represents almost 40 years of research and $70m of investment. Hundreds of studies from across the world continue to demonstrate the positive impact that LiV can have on people’s lives, improving bone health and reducing falls.
What is Low-intensity Vibration?

Achieving peak bone mass is a critical determinant of life-long skeletal health. Our bone mass develops from birth to around the age of 30; after that, it slowly begins to decline. In those with osteoporosis, their bones become fragile, which makes them likely to fracture or break. The bones in our body respond to both large low-frequency and small high-frequency forces. By stimulating the body’s stem cells – specifically, those in the legs – Marodyne LiV encourages bone growth and maintains bone health. Marodyne LiV provides an exact low-level vibration (0.4g) transmitted at a high frequency (30Hz) to the person standing on the device. An impulse of 0.4 g is applied to the base (sole of the foot), approx. 0.1 g is damped in the leg area and 0.3 g is passed on to the hip and spine (‚g‘ stands for gravity – our acceleration due to gravity with ~ 9.81 m/s²).
Marodyne LiV impulses correspond to natural, mechanical movement impulses – i.e. impulses that are picked up on the skeleton step by step, for example, when descending a staircase. The adjustment is automatic, individually for each user -this weight measurement and adjustment to each user, controlled by a microprocessor, ensures safety. This stimulates osteoblast (bone-building) activity while inhibiting osteoclast (bone wasting) activity. Studies have established that just 10 minutes of LiV a day can help to keep bones strong and healthy.
Activating stem-cells
A primary effect of the signals (impulses or dynamic force peaks) between muscle tissue and bone is the stimulation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). These stem cells have the potential to develop into a multitude of cells including bone, cartilage and fat cells. If they are encouraged to form bone, then they can compensate for the cell loss caused by osteoporosis and other conditions. The Low-intensity Vibrations emitted by Marodyne LiV imitate the stronger signals (of a younger body), replicating the behaviour of a healthy muscle structure to reduce the build-up of fat cells and activate the production of bone cells. It achieves this by stimulating the bone-forming processes within the mesenchymal stem cells. Over time, Marodyne LiV can reduce – and in some cases halt – the degradation of bone mass. In time, it can help to build a healthy musculoskeletal system, counteracting the damage done by osteoporosis and other bone-damaging conditions.
25 years of research
Our knowledge about the role of mechanical signals and their effect on the human body has improved over the last 25 years through vibration research, funded by NASA, Universities, and various government agencies. There are hundreds of studies establishing the benefits of Low-intensity Vibration, including a recent Nature review that concluded: You can learn more about the science behind Marodyne LiV by reading our in-depth whitepapers.
Message from Dr. Clint Rubin,

“I have spent the last 30 years of my life trying to understand how mechanical signals modulate bone, bone mass, and morphology. The low-intensity vibration frequency has the capacity to dictate the regeneration patterns of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) found within the body to stimulate bone and muscle. “We have discovered, through our many years of scientific research, that Low-intensity Vibration can fight against diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Scientific research has also shown that low-intensity vibration frequencies can reduce bone loss in individuals with osteoporosis, osteopenia, or sarcopenia.”
Best regards, Dr. Clint Rubin
Distinguished Professor, Chair of Department of Biomedical Engineering, Director of Center for Biotechnology, Stony Brook University.
Scientific references
Rubin, C, Recker, R, Cullen, D, Ryaby, J, McCabe, J, & McLeod, K. – Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (2004) Prevention of postmenopausal bone loss by a low-magnitude, high-frequency mechanical stimuli: a clinical trial assessing compliance, efficacy, and safety.
Gilsanz, V, Wren, T, Sanchez, M, Dorey, F, Judex, S, & Rubin, C. – Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (2006) Low-Level, High-Frequency Mechanical Signals Enhance Musculoskeletal Development of Young Women With Low BMD
Rubin, C, Capilla, E, Luu, YK, Busa, B, Crawford, H, Nolan, DJ, Mittal, V, Rosen, CJ, Pessin, JE, Judex, S. – PNAS (2007). Adipogenesis is inhibited by brief, daily exposure to highfrequency, extremely lowmagnitude mechanical signals
Ozcivici, E, Luu, YK, Adler, B, Qin, YX, Rubin, J, Judex, S, & Rubin, C. – Nature Reviews. Rheumatology (2010) Mechanical signals as anabolic agents in bone
Leung KS, Li CY, Tse YK, Choy TK, Leung PC, Hung VW, Chan SY, Leung AH, Cheung WH – Osteoporosis International (2014) Effects of 18-month low magnitude high-frequency vibration on fall rate and fracture risks in 710 community elderly—a cluster-randomized controlled trial